Zhenhai Customs is accelerating the export of enterprises.

After the inspection report proves that the goods are qualified, the customs department issues a quality certificate as soon as possible, reducing the relevant process time to the shortest possible time and solving the problem of "fast certification". For export enterprises, fast customs clearance efficiency is the key to winning business opportunities and saving costs.

In recent years, Zhenhai Customs has actively promoted the implementation of various stable foreign trade policies, collaborated with local governments, commerce and other departments to carry out a series of policy lectures, collected the demands of foreign trade enterprises in the front line, and effectively stimulated the vitality of foreign trade market entities.

Customs staff go deep into the front line, visit and research enterprises, improve the "problem clearance" mechanism of enterprises, work hard to overcome the "difficulties" and "bottlenecks" encountered in the export process of enterprises, comprehensively optimize the customs clearance process, accelerate the improvement of customs clearance efficiency, and ensure that goods pass with "zero delay".

Our company and factory DUOJIA are very grateful to the customs for their continuous assistance in the certificate of origin visa business. They not only provide remote guidance for standardized filling and efficient processing, but also assign dedicated personnel to teach us how to self print, allowing us to obtain the certificate of origin without leaving our homes, saving us a lot of time and economic costs. At the same time, our company DUOJIA is also looking forward to collaborating with friends from all over the world.

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Post time: Jun-07-2024