The load-bearing function of decryption washer

In the fastener industry, the role of washers goes far beyond the single function of protecting the surface of connectors from scratches caused by nuts. There are various types of gaskets, including flat gaskets, spring gaskets, anti loosening gaskets, and special purpose gaskets such as sealing gaskets. Each type of gasket plays an indispensable role in its specific application scenario.

The load-bearing function of d2
The load-bearing function of d1

Firstly, as the supporting surface for threaded connections, the bearing capacity of the gasket cannot be ignored. In practical applications, due to excessive positional tolerance or hole size issues, sometimes the supporting surface of bolts or nuts cannot fully cover the holes on the connecting parts. By selecting washers of appropriate size, we can ensure a stable connection between the bolt or nut and the connector. In addition, gaskets can increase the contact area, thereby reducing the pressure on the supporting surface in threaded connections. In some application scenarios, the connected component may be soft and unable to withstand high pressure from the supporting surface. At this point, using a hard gasket can effectively distribute or reduce the pressure on the supporting surface, preventing the surface of the connected component from being crushed.

Another important function of the gasket is to stabilize the friction coefficient of the supporting surface. Flat washers can stabilize the friction coefficient of the supporting surface, ensuring that the connected parts have a uniform friction coefficient at different fastening positions. In addition to the above functions, gaskets also have the function of preventing electrochemical corrosion in the connection of composite materials, which is of great significance for improving the durability and reliability of the connection.

In summary, as an important component of fastener systems, the stabilizing friction effect of washers is of great significance in ensuring the stability and safety of connections. In the fastener industry, we should choose the appropriate gasket type and specification based on the specific application scenario to fully utilize its unique role. Meanwhile, as a member of Hebei Duojia, we will continue to be committed to providing customers with high-quality fastener products and professional technical support services.

Post time: Sep-05-2024