Overview of the fastener industry

Fasteners are the most widely used and widely used mechanical basic components in various sectors of the national economy, known as the "rice of industry". There are many ways to classify fasteners:


Fasteners are widely used in industries such as automotive manufacturing, electronics, engineering machinery, chemical engineering, and wind power. They can be used in various machinery, equipment, vehicles, ships, railways, bridges, buildings, structures, tools, instruments, and meters, and are the basic components required for various products. The variety and quality of fasteners have a significant impact on the level and quality of products, and are an indispensable component of the equipment manufacturing industry. The quality of fasteners directly determines the performance, level, quality, and reliability of major equipment and host products, and occupies an important position in industrial production. There are various types and specifications of fastener products, with different performance and uses. The degree of standardization, serialization, and generalization is also extremely high.

The fastener industry in China has developed from the 1950s to the present, and after decades of technological and experiential accumulation, the industry's technical level has significantly improved. In practical application fields, it is mainly reflected in the fact that in recent years, Chinese fastener enterprises have increased their development of raw materials and achieved results in the research and development of heat treatment technology for raw materials. Key technologies for aluminum alloy, carbon steel, alloy steel, stainless steel, titanium alloy, and heat-resistant alloy fasteners applied in the aerospace field have made certain breakthroughs.


Post time: Aug-02-2024