Exploring new trends in the industry, we cordially invite you to attend the exhibition feast together

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The 2024 Southeast Asian Fastener Professional Exhibition, the world's top international exhibition in the fastener industry, bid farewell to the turbulent waves of the past and embark on a new chapter of comprehensive opening up. It will set sail from August 21st to 23rd at the Jakarta International Exhibition Center in Indonesia with determination to ride the wind and waves and a high spirit, setting a benchmark for the industry and serving as a barometer for the exhibition!

This exhibition is jointly created by Fastener Expo Shanghai, the largest fastener exhibition in Asia, and PERAGA EXPO, a leading local exhibition company in Indonesia. It is an Asian brand exhibition and a leading exhibition enterprise in Indonesia. Double city cooperation, strong alliance, and strong entry into the Southeast Asian fastener market.

During previous years of exhibitions, our DUOJIA company ‘s booths were always bustling and bustling, with customers flocking to stop and watch, showing a strong interest in our products. Our professional team also provided detailed answers and introductions to customers on site, allowing them to have a deeper understanding of our products and services. Customers appreciate our warm reception and professional skills, and have expressed their desire to establish a long-term cooperative relationship with us. This year, we will continue to uphold this passion and professionalism, live up to expectations, and bring our flagship products - Bolts, Anchors, Nuts, and more to our customers.

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We hope to reunite with our esteemed customers again at this year's exhibition. This is not only a grand event in the industry, but also a valuable platform for us to communicate, cooperate, and seek common development with each other. Looking forward to collaborating with you and jointly writing a better future. See you there.

Post time: Jun-26-2024