Expansion phenomenon of the opening of the anti loosening spring washer

Spring washers, abbreviated as spring washers, are widely used fasteners with low cost and simple installation, commonly used to prevent nut loosening.


Although spring washers are quite common, there may also be some issues during use that affect their effectiveness, such as the opening expansion ring. Many friends attribute this problem to the quality of the spring washer when they discover it. In fact, this may not necessarily be caused by product quality. The stress situation of the spring washer during use and the improper use of the matching flat washer can all lead to the expansion of the spring washer.
In general, the spring washer that experiences bulging must be subjected to a radial outward tension, which is caused by the clamping axial force generated by the tightening torque. This force is mainly due to the outer chamfer of the nut support surface, which generates this component of the axial clamping force, resulting in the expansion of the spring washer opening. The smaller the outer chamfer diameter of the nut support surface, the higher the possibility of the spring washer experiencing bulging.


In addition, to slow down or prevent the occurrence of bulging, we usually add a flat washer between the nut and the spring washer. However, if the flat washer we add is too thin or too soft, it will not prevent bulging from occurring.

Post time: Sep-19-2024